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Advanced Search
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Our search engine is very powerful. On this advanced search you can refine your search to search for monologues, female monlogues, male monologues, top largest characters, gender etc.
You do not need to have an exact match with punctuation and hyphens, etc.
For example if search for "tomorrow" this would find both tomorrow and to-morrow. But if you want you can search for exact matches.
For all searches can use "wild cards" to search, where * indicates one or more characters.
For example could search for power*friend
You can use asterisks as many times as you want to find several words separated by unknown words or letters.
Use NOT exact match search
Case sensitive search (you probably will not want this)
Exact match ONLY search including case, punctuation, hyphens, and apostrophes (you probably will not want this)
Not include other word forms (if say search for "thy" then if NOT other word forms would not include "thyself"
For plays, search by character's' speech, show beginning of speech where search found
For plays, search by line, show actual line search found (you probably will not want this unless want to give reference to line)
For plays selection
Include Comedy
Include History
Include Tragedy
For plays selection include the following Acts
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
For plays selection include the following character name who says the text (leave blank if any character names)
Exact name match only.   Any names beginning with this.
For plays selection gender of character saying the text
Include male character
Include female character
Include ambigious gender or character often played by either gender
For plays selection, ONLY select if text said by one of Top 139 largest characters. For more info see Largest roles.
For plays selection, monologue selection is:
Do NOT select just monologues
Select monologues, any gender
Select female monologues
Select male monologues
Additional monologue selection:
Select verse monologue
Select prose monologue
Select monologue containing both verse and prose
The following plays are to be included:
All's Well That Ends Well
Antony and Cleopatra
As You Like It
Comedy of Errors
Henry IV, Part I
Henry IV, Part II
Henry V
Henry VI, Part I
Henry VI, Part II
Henry VI, Part III
Henry VIII
Julius Caesar
King John
King Lear
Love's Labour's Lost
Measure for Measure
Merchant of Venice
Merry Wives of Windsor
Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado about Nothing
Richard II
Richard III
Romeo and Juliet
Taming of the Shrew
Timon of Athens
Titus Andronicus
Troilus and Cressida
Twelfth Night
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Winter's Tale
The following sonnets are to be included:
1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10
11       12       13       14       15       16       17       18       19       20
21       22       23       24       25       26       27       28       29       30
31       32       33       34       35       36       37       38       39       40
41       42       43       44       45       46       47       48       49       50
51       52       53       54       55       56       57       58       59       60
61       62       63       64       65       66       67       68       69       70
71       72       73       74       75       76       77       78       79       70
81       82       83       84       85       86       87       88       89       90
91       92       93       94       95       96       97       98       99       100
101     102     103     104     105     106     107     108     109     110
111     112     113     114     115     116     117     118     119     120
121     122     123     124     125     126     127     128     129     130
131     132     133     134     135     136     137     138     139     140
141     142     143     144     145     146     147     148     149     150
151     152     153     154  
The following poems are to be included:
A lover's Complaint
The Passionate Pilgrim
The Phoenix and the Turtle
The Rape of Lucrece
Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music
Venus and Adonis
A Funeral Elegy
Include notes, if any
Include dictionary info, if any
Count ONLY, not details

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